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Kidsy Promotions
$145 (WAS $199) + FREE Shipping 27% OFF New Graco Slimfit 3-in-1 Car Seat (Darcie) @ Kidsy
- Kidsy has 27% OFF New Graco Slimfit 3-in-1 Car Seat (Darcie) for only $145 (WAS $199) + FREE Shipping, amazon
- 3-in-1 car seat grows with your child from rear-facing harness (5-40 lb) to forward-facing harness (22-65 lb) to highback booster (40-100 lb)
- Slim design with dual integrated cup holders that rotate away, making the seat 10% slimmer to save valuable back seat space. Meets or exceeds the child restraint criteria for a frontal crash test under the US FMVSS 213
- Price may be changed without notice.