Lightpath LED Cashback
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Lightpath LED Promotions
A portable Powerhouse - Diesel Mini for $374 @Lightpath LED
- A portable Powerhouse - get Diesel Mini for $374 @Lightpath LED. Free shipping. A portable Powerhouse. delivers targeted relief for skin, pain, and inflammation, anytime, anywhere.
- Discover the Mini Red, a versatile portable red light therapy device perfect for on-the-go treatment. This compact unit features 16 pulsating bulbs emitting red and NIR light for skin and deep tissue therapy. Portable and powerful, it’s perfect for facial rejuvenation, hair growth, and managing skin conditions at home. This is ideal for those treating for skin care as well as pain and inflammation. Charge it, carry it, light it up!
- Price may be changed without notice.
Diesel Torch for $294 @Lightpath LED
- Get Diesel Torch for $294 @Lightpath LED. FREE shipping. Deep penetration, high power and precise targeting. The ultimate portable light therapy device.
- The Diesel Torch is a small hand-held red light therapy device that uses a combo of 4 wavelengths. Blue (460nm), Red (620nm+670nm) and Near-Infrared (810nm + 810nm). These wavelengths are chosen to give the ideal intensity and absorption for optimizing biological effects anywhere on the body for both humans and animals. Mode 1: Red only. Mode 2: Red and NIR. Mode 3: Red, NIR, Blue. Pulses at 0 and 40hz.