Race Ramps Cashback
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Race Ramps Promotions
10" W FlatStoppers Car Storage Ramps - 4 Pack for $224 @Race Ramps
- Get 10" W FlatStoppers Car Storage Ramps - 4 Pack for $224 @Race Ramps. Free shipping.
- Evenly disperses vehicle weight and preserves tire shape to prevent flat spots. Fits tires up to 8 inches wide. Won't slip, slide or scoot no matter the surface, or damage garage floors.
- Price may be changed without notice.
30" Rally Ramps - 5" Lift for 8" W Tires for $147 @Race Ramps
- Get 30" Rally Ramps - 5" Lift for 8" W Tires for $147 @Race Ramps. Free shipping.
- This set of two ramps fits tires up to 8 inches wide, and provides a full 5 inches of lift. They have a 16-degree angle of approach and can hold up to 1,500 pounds each for a total vehicle weight capacity of 6,000 pounds, yet each ramp only weighs 4 pounds. The raised lip alerts the driver that they've reached the top of the ramps, and they come carrying straps for easy positioning.
- Price may be changed without notice.