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Redtiger Promotions
Extra 20% OFF Redtiger A6 2.5k+1080P+1080P 3-Channel 5.8GHz Wifi Dash Cam only $121.99
- Get Redtiger A6 2.5k+1080P+1080P 3-Channel 5.8GHz Wifi Dash Cam only $121.99 with extra 20% off on page, was $169.99, shipping is FREE
- A high-quality car dash camera that offers comprehensive coverage with its front, rear, and inside cameras. This triple dash cam records in 2.5K+1080P+1080P, ensuring clear and detailed footage. The 150° wide-angle cameras capture important details such as road signs and vehicle license plates. The inside camera is equipped with 4 IR Cabin Light function, and the front and rear cameras utilize a large f/2.0 aperture, optical lens, and WDR technology for clear night driving scenes. Features include collision detection, loop recording, time-lapse recording, and parking monitoring. The built-in WiFi & GPS allow for easy control and tracking.
- Walmart
- Price may be changed without notice.
$249.99 (was $399.99) + FREE Shipping F77 STARVIS 2 4K+4K Dual IMX678 Voice Control 5.8GHz High Speed WIFI Dash Cam @ Redtiger
- Get F77 STARVIS 2 4K+4K Dual IMX678 Voice Control 5.8GHz High Speed WIFI Dash Cam for $249.99 (was $399.99) + FREE Shipping with extra $80 off coupon on page @ Redtiger, FREE:128GB Built-In Storage|Parking Safety Hardwire Kit |18-Month Warranty
- This is the World's First Dual IMX678 4K+4K Dash Cam!with The Most Advanced Starvis2 Technology Bring You Unparalleled Recording Quality!
- The Industry-leading F77 Dashcam upgraded to the advanced STARVIS 2 IMX678 sensor provides crystal-clear footage, and simultaneously records your car front and back at 4K@30fps+4K@30fps. Redtiger car dash cam effortless detail capturing day or night, making it the flagship dash camera for drivers.
- Price may be changed without notice.