TaxSlayer Cashback
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TaxSlayer Cash Back Detail
- Cash Back
- E-File
- 28% Get Cash Back
- TaxSlayer Account Registration
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- Free E-files
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TaxSlayer Promotions
From $22.36 Get 20% off your federal tax filing @TaxSlayer
- Get 20% off your federal tax filing @TaxSlayer, From $22.36. Use Code: SAVE20 .
- 20% off Classic: Was: $27.95 Now: $22.36. Includes all forms + free phone & email support
- 20% off Self-Employed: Was: $59.95 Now: $47.96. Includes all forms + access to a tax pro with self-employed expertise
- 20% off Premium: Was: $49.95 Now: $39.96. Includes all forms + live chat support, Ask a Tax Pro, front-of-the-line assistance
- 20% off Your Federal Tax Return at TaxSlayer with code SAVE20Copied .
- 20% off Your Federal Tax Return at TaxSlayer