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ESIMUSA.COM is an international roaming service company based in USA, offers mobile data plans that are lowest cost but at the same time equipped with fastest speed in the world. more details »
2007年成立的樂齡網,是台灣第一家專為銀髮族服務的生活百貨通路,以健康的銀髮族/樂齡族為主要客群,引進日本、歐美等國內外各式熟年生活精品,包含食、衣、住、行、育、樂等全方面需求,蒐羅專為銀髮族設計的貼心商品超過5000種。 more details »
Since 2010, FISH HIPPIE has captured inspiration from life on or by the water & is dedicated to providing premier original styles accordingly. more details »
李大娘買菜網的商品眾多,主打生鮮青菜、雞肉、豬肉、魚,手工水餃,罐頭乾貨,五金用品等應有盡有,一次購足,399免運低門檻,少量訂購,讓您府上的食品每天都新鮮。 more details »
質精量純、口感溫和醇潤的糖鼎養生黑糖茶磚堅持著以甜蜜養生的初心,運用產自台灣的優良原料,以合格安全衛生的製程,產出全系列均通過SGS檢驗的產品。未來,糖鼎將秉持成立之初的理念,持續生產高品質黑糖磚,讓它成為最溫暖、最養生的甜蜜! more details »
The intimate design of Moon Pants, in the bottom layer of the thin underwear, several layers of thin and soft functional materials are overlapped. more details »
歸毛家族全方位專業寵物肌膚護理。 more details »