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聯華食品創立60年來,從迪化街起家,是真真實實的深耕在台灣的本土企業。 more details »
Centralized management of distribution from business negotiations with local farms at the stage of raw skins to import, tanning, dyeing, selection of materials, production and sales. This is the only shop that pursues quality without more details »
史家莊,高雄市前金第一公有市場內,目前爲第三代,傳承了其祖上之手藝,經過長年研發及用心,花枝漿、魚丸、肉粽還有清炖牛肉湯,都獲得很好的口碑及回響。 more details »
Siang shuai Cake uses Taiwanese local ingredients as raw materials to present a unique flavor. Siang shuai Cake has been insisting on happy handmade taste for many years, and the dessert price is real, delicious and full of taste more details »
Thanks to the efforts of the boss, Komei Biotech was officially established in October 2012 and launched the "Vinegar Bucket" brand. more details »
如果您有胃酸溢流、肩頸痠痛、經常落枕、枕頭冬天會變硬、總是睡不飽、不知道如何挑選枕頭的需求,趕緊來看看喔! !~~ more details »
素日子以推廣素食與服務台灣不斷成長的蔬食者族群為目標而成立,扭轉過去素食給人清淡廉價、無趣、甚至是難吃的刻板印象,以全新的美術與高品質的商品,建立台灣未曾有過的風格蔬食電商。 more details »
Sweet Cygnet is healthy and uses natural grains to make rice cakes, wheat cakes and baby noodles suitable for babies. more details »