eGifter Cashback
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- Join for FREE with an email and password
- Click the "Start Shopping" button or choose a coupon
- Cash back will be added to your Extrabux account!
eGifter Cash Back Detail
All cash back is at the merchant's discretion
No cash back on select goods.
Use of coupon/promotional codes not listed on Extrabux may void Cash Back.
Do make sure your shopping cart is empty when you click through to the store from Extrabux.
eGifter Promotions
Regal Cinemas Gift Cards $50 for $40 @ eGifter
- Buy $50 Regal Cinemas Gift Cards for $40 with promo code MOVIE225 Copiedat eGifter.
- Offer Ends 2/28/25 or while supplies last.
- Limit of 5 Promos per customer.
- Only $50 Cards qualify for the Promotion. If you need more, please select a larger quantity, not a higher value.
$40.00 (was $50.00) Red Robin® eGift Card @ eGifter
- eGifter offers Red Robin® eGift Card for $40.00 (was $50.00) with code RR225Copied.
- Offer Ends 2/28/25 or while supplies last.
- Limited to 5 promos per customer.
- eGifter Points are not earned on promotions.
- Only $50 Cards qualify for the Promotion. If you need more, please select a larger quantity, not a higher value.
- Promo is only available on, and not on Rewards Express or eGifter Rewards.
eGifter Gift Card Promos Codes with up to 30% OFF
- eGifter offers a wide range of gift cards on sale, with up to 30% OFF from groupon, Instacart and more:
- Buy a $100 DoorDash Gift Card for just $90 with promo code DASH125Copied, Offer Ends 2/15/25 or while supplies last.
- Buy a $50 Walgreens Gift Card for just $45 with promo code WG225Copied , Offer Ends 2/28/25 or while supplies last.
- Buy $50 Regal Cinemas Gift Cards for $40 with promo code MOVIE225Copied , Offer Ends 2/28/25 or while supplies last.
- Buy a $50 H&M Gift Card for just $40 with promo code H&M225Copied , Offer Ends 2/28/25 or while supplies last.
- Price may be changed without notice.